If there’s one thing that defines me, I want it to be my faith. I know that some of you come here just for parenting advice; and others want to know that the advice I give is based on something deeper. Most parenting advice is applicable across the board when it comes to people coming together from different faiths. However, it’s more important than ever to be aware of the foundation on which the things you read online are based! I commend you for caring!
First things first: as you read my posts on faith, you should get a good sense of where I stand on issues; what I believe; and how my relationship with Christ is the most important part of my life. However, there are many who say that and not as many who live it and truly believe.
So, here’s my statement of faith, if you will.
I believe in the Holy Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are three equal and essential parts that make up one God! I also believe that the Bible is the true, holy, inerrant Word of God. It should also be taken literally.
I believe that God the Father loves the people He created so much that He sent His ONE AND ONLY Son to pay the wages of our sin (death—Romans 6:23) on the cross, in our places.
And, I also believe that we are all created equal in God’s eyes and that sin is sin. I believe in coming as you are, but contrary to many popular “Christian” teachings, not staying as you are. Because once you surrender your life to Christ, the desire should be to become more like Him, not in choosing to live in and stay in our sin.
One of my biggest prayers is for those who have been deceived, to come to know Christ as their personal Savior and desire to walk closely and humbly with Him and through this blog, to bring others one step closer to the cross!
If you have questions, feel free to Contact Me Anytime!